Not ignoring you, just nothing I particularly needed to share.


It’s not that I hasn’t been an interesting week, it is just very little that is of interest to the wide world. Not that boring stories have ever stopped me from sharing them in the past. I have decided to up my activity levels, so yesterday I even went and walked around the local park just to hit my goal. It feels like a very alien idea to me.

I had a glass of last year’s cider on Friday, and I had forgotten what a bad idea that is. One glass is enough to make you drunk, two is just manifestly a bad idea, and therefore by my third I was just giggling and went to bed.

Started the next day right though with a mug of tea and a mug of sausages. I haven’t been able to go camping due to train strikes and places being booked solid. Resisted the temptation to camp in the garden, but might do it tonight just for the thrill.

Quick pic of me on the High Street, just because it is the only thing worth sharing. Although you may notice some new playlists cropping up on the right of the screen so there is some new water flowing into the tune stream.

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