What a week


So it turns out I may have ‘accidentally purchased a couple of new tents. I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole regarding two Naturehike tents and could not decide between them both. Even now I have them, the jury is still out, however I think I like the Opalus best out of the two.

I am not gonna give a review of these tents, as there are a million and twelve reviews out there for them, and what I want in a tent is different to what other people want in a tent. I will, of course, share some pics and then move on.

So that was the Opalus tent, weighs only 1.8kg thereabouts, as weighed on my kitchen scales. That is 400 grams lighter than my current wee tent. This one is huge, has a nice big porch to cook in when it is raining, and for storing all my crap. Actually, although I have not spent a night in it, I cannot think of anything disparaging to say about it

So this is the cloud peak 2, which you could spend a day or two on YouTube watching people discussing. It is nice, looks a bit like a squished bug when you are setting it up, and absolutely love the twin doors. If you do fall down the YouTube rabbit hole about this one, I managed to find an older version of the tent with the inverted T doors. If you watch them you will know. It is quite a bit heavier, 2.3kg I think I got it at on the scales, but have seen vids of it standing up to some fairly punishing weather.

Anyway, that is enough about tents, as I am not going camping during the half-term, as it is bloody expensive and noisy. I have also spent a few days rearranging the garden. I am currently awaiting a ‘sun sail’ to provide a bit of shade as required, as I MacGuyvered one up yesterday out of some of the stuff from the two tents.

That should be exciting and I will if course keep you updated. Only other excitement was bottling up the Pina Colager on Friday and then drinking lots of the vintage beer as I have run out of empty bottles for brewing.

Just an additional, physically embarrassing vid of me putting up my original wee tent, as I wanted to hoover it.

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