The Pain of Backs


It has not been a very exciting few weeks and although I do feel bad about not updating this very often, it is mainly because I have mostly been laying on my back and occasionally screaming. I am not entirely sure what set this off, although the repeated setting up and dismantling of my various tents may have had an impact. It is even more irritating as it has been perfect camping weather and I have not been able to really get as far as the garden, let alone a campsite.

Anyway, as often happens in these situations, I have spent the time pissing away money on camping gear that I have no ability to currently use. The highlight has to be this multi tool hatchet type thingy that is remarkably choppy and has a non locking blade on it so should be able to include it in my pack without going to prison for 6 months.

It also seems I have forgotten how to start a fire. This is quite big news as I have always been able to start a fire. Admittedly I was doing it on hard mode, using only a flint striker and some twine, but was still quite upsetting. Like everything at the moment, I will put it down to the intense pain and possibly the drugs.

I have ordered a water filter and am not sure if it was the right choice. I don’t expect to find myself in a situation where it is life or death, tbh I just want nicer tasting water wherever I am. Will update you when it arrives, and I may have to take a walk to the river to drink from its aqueous goodness.

Well I have some painful screams to elicit and some urgent laying on my back to do, so I will catch you later.

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