Mushrooms, sourdough and a new year of personal growth.


As usual, I will have to try and sum up 9 months of no posting in a few sentences. I have started growing mushrooms after a YouTube vid that I will link when I remember to. It is astounding how quick these guys grow. I have named these two Mike and Celia, for obvious reasons.

I have also started a new sourdough starter. Probably a plurality of starters if I am honest, trying to find the tastiest yeasts around. The current one smells like a Camembert that has been left in a cross country runner’s sock, but tastes amazing.

Since last summer I also brewed a batch of high end red wine, which is, and I shit you not, absolutely stunning. I also made twenty-five bottles of alcopops. That doesn’t taste bad either.

I am not sure if I have anything to add, although I feel I have done other stuff other than those three things, but I started using a cute app that rewards me for completing daily tasks, so have been getting more done., but if I was to try and explain what, it seems way less impressive.

However it does mean that I will add this to my tasks and ensure I post at least once a week about the excitement that is my life.

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